Kishinev Ghetto established; 10,000 Jews already dead since the invasion

The Jews of Kishinev were annihilated in several phases. When Romanian and German units entered the town, many Jews were slaughtered in the streets and in their homes. Their exact number is not known, but the researcher Matatias Carp estimates it at some 10,000. After the ghetto was established, 2,000 Jews were systematically murdered by a unit comprised of men from Einsatzkommandos 11a from Einsatzgruppen D. This unit selected for murder members of the liberal professions (doctors, lawyers, engineers) and Jewish intellectuals. In some of these executions, Romanian soldiers and police participated alongside the Einsatzkommando men as an auxiliary force. The 11,000 Jews who survived the murder spree were concentrated in the ghetto that was established on July 24, 1941, by order of the Romanian governor of the district and the German commander of the Einsatzkommando. The Jews in the ghetto were dispossessed, tortured, and mobilized for forced labor. Many were executed and their bodies were not removed, thereby angering the Germans.